September 22, 2024

The company incurred a total of Rs.16 lakhs towards this project under CSR

Sri City, February 9, 2023: In an endeavour to improve the provision of high-quality education, THK India, a company located in Sri City donated state-of-the-art interactive smart display boards to the Zilla Parishad High Schools in the area, on Thursday. Towards this project, the company has spent a total of Rs. 16 lakhs, as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR). Sri City Foundation was the main proponent of this initiative.

The Madanapalem High School received two boards, while the Irugulam High School received five. Mr. Shusaku Ishihara, the company’s managing director, presented the boards to the headmasters of the respective schools in the presence of the THK Team, Sri City Foundation Team, as well as the faculty, staff, and students, in a brief ceremony held at the respective schools. Next week, THK India will donate a smart display board to the Mandal Parishad Upper Primary School in Cherivi. 

The use of technology in learning and teaching, particularly online and web-based tools and systems, Mr. Shusaku Ishihara remarked, leads to a fundamental shift of teaching and learning in a lecture-based and student-centered approach. In order to present lessons effectively in class, he advised both teachers and students to make the best use of smart boards and other tools.

Regarding the contribution given by THK India, Dr. Ravindra Sannareddy, Founder  Managing Director of Sri City, said, “We have witnessed the essential role that technology plays in education, especially during the Covid time. Sri City Foundation has made education as one of its main areas of attention, and as part of a CSR initiative, we have been doing our share to improve the infrastructure at the local government high schools, along with the industrial units.

Similar boards were previously provided by USG Boral and Mitsubishi Group to the ZP High Schools of Irugulam and Madanapalem, and the Upper Primary School at Matherimitta. Thus, students in the 10th, 9th, and 8th grades of the government schools in the region are benefited from these sophisticated devices, which permit easy grasp of complex subjects in the curriculum in an interactive manner. They use the internet to connect with other classes, teachers, and learning resources. The student can write on the board using a pen, just like a regular board. 

Mr.Shusaku Ishihara and other officials with teachers and students of Irugulam High